Towards cultural psychology of affective processes: Semiotic regulation of dynamic fields

Angela Branco*, Jaan Valsiner

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34 Citations (Scopus)


The newly emerging interdisciplinary area of cultural psychology has largely addressed issues of conduct and cognition. A semiotic perspective is assumed here to investigate phenomena of affective self-regulation through signs. The phenomena of affect are presented as quasi-structured affective fields, which undergo differentiation through semiotic mediators (signs). The system of semiotic mediators is dynamic, selfconstructive, and temporarily hierarchical. The function of the affective fields is that of orienting the person towards the immediate anticipated future. Semiotic regulation leads to the construction of hierarchical-yet temporary-structures of signs that constrain the experience. The crucial aspect of such regulation is the establishment of meta-level of operatory signs related to affective fields-for quick expansion of sign construction and for demolishing certain categories of signs. This dynamic guarantees the adaptability of the human psychological system, as signs allow for flexible expansion as well as limitations for subjective experiencing and action possibilities, in a given context. The new semiotic turn in psychology re-unites the concerns about the dynamic sides of behaving, feeling, and being through the focus on regulatory processes of the "stream of consciousness".

Original languageEnglish
JournalEstudios de Psicologia
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)243-251
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2010


  • Affect
  • Hierarchies
  • Regulation
  • Semiotic mediation
  • Signs


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