Underholdning, emotioner og personlighed: Et mediepsykologisk perspektiv på underholdningspræferencer

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Entertainment is far more than a simple pastime and anything but a waste of time. On the contrary we are as humans motivated towards entertainment, as entertainment offers distinct qualities crucial for our psychical, psychological and social well-being. By identifying such experiential qualities this paper aims firstly at defining how entertainment regulates emotions as well as constituting our identity. Not all people are however motivated by or are motivated towards the same type of entertainment and the same experiential qualities. Therefore this paper aims secondly at demonstrating how individual differences in motivation to a large degree stem from differences in personality, determining preferences for certain experiential qualities rather than others. This analysis concludes in a psychographic model for segmentation, which is then utilized to describe differences in preferences for entertainment. By including experiential qualities that are relevant to different segments, entertainment programmes may transgress segments and can therefore be seen as segment-breakers.
Original languageDanish
Pages (from-to)3-22
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 2 Dec 2008


  • media psychology
  • entertainment
  • experience
  • segmentation
  • emotions

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