Vision-Based Corrosion Identification Using Data-Driven Semantic Segmentation Techniques

Rui Miguel Horta Pimentel de Figueiredo, Simon Bøgh

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review

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Corrosion is a natural process that degrades metal-made materials. Its detection is of primordial importance for quality control and for ensuring longevity of metal-made objects
in various contexts, in particular in industrial environments. Different techniques for
corrosion identification including ultrasonic testing, radio-graphic testing, and magnetic flux leakage have been proposed in the past. However, these require the use of costly
and heavy equipment onsite for successful data acquisition. An under-explored alternative is to deploy conventional lightweight and inexpensive camera systems and computer vision based methods to tackle the former problem. In this work we present a detailed benchmark of four state-of-the-art supervised semantic segmentation techniques, for vision-based pixel-level corrosion identification. We focus our study on four, recently proposed deep learning architectures which have surpassed human-level accuracy on various visual tasks. The results demonstrate that the former approaches may be used for the problem of segmenting highly irregular patterns in industrial settings, such as corrosion, with high accuracy rates.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIST 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings
Place of PublicationIEEE IST 2023
PublisherIEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Publication date19 Oct 2023
ISBN (Print)979-8-3503-3084-7
ISBN (Electronic)9798350330830
Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2023
SeriesIST 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings


  • Corrosion Identification
  • Machine Vision
  • Semantic Segmentation


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