Wet Rooms

Erik Brandt, Martin Morelli

Research output: Book/ReportBookEducation


Unconfirmed translation - For educational use only.
Translation of SBi-anvisning 252, Vådrum.

Floors and walls in toilets, bathrooms and similar wet rooms have traditionally been made of inorganic materials, i.e. concrete, lightweight concrete and bricks clad with ceramic tiles.

Since its 1972 edition, the Danish Building Regulations have also permitted the use of wood and wood based boards, e.g. plywood, on the condition that the floor covering was waterproof and water resistant and that the walls were provided with a waterproof surface.

The present Direction describes in situ construction of floors and walls in wet rooms in dwellings and rooms with similar use pattern.

Descriptions of application of the following materials and constructions are provided: concrete, lightweight concrete, masonry, gypsum board, calcium silicate board, chipboard, plywood, cladding with tiles and PVC, painting, joints etc. Besides, different ways of treating existing floor and wall constructions are described.

The specifications and solutions shown are recognized as complying with the requirements stipulated in the Danish building codes.

Unconfirmed translation, not authorised by authors - For educational use only.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
PublisherStatens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2018


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