Wind deficit model in a wind farm using finite volume method

Maryam Soleimanzadeh, Rafal Wisniewski

Research output: Contribution to journalConference article in JournalResearchpeer-review

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A wind deficit model for wind farms is developed
in this work using finite volume method. The main question
addressed here is to calculate approximately the wind speed
in the vicinity of each wind turbine of a farm. The procedure
followed is to solve the governing equations of flow for the
whole wind farm. Spatial discretization is performed on a
computational domain, using finite volume techniques. In ideal
circumstances, wind speed will calculate on a fine mesh for the
whole wind farm, where the effect of wind turbines is observed
by means of their thrust coefficient. The end goal of this method
is to assist the development of an analytical expression of an
offshore wind farm wake. We focus in this work on wind deficit
that can be used for better wind farm control strategies and
load optimization.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAmerican Control Conference (ACC)
Pages (from-to)4343 - 4348
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventAmerican Control Conference - Baltimore, United States
Duration: 30 Jun 20102 Jul 2010


ConferenceAmerican Control Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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