Digital challenges & End2End data integration in food processing

  • Bent Egberg Mikkelsen (Foredragsholder)

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    Abstract: The digital revolution creates radical changes in consumer behavior. Dependency on data and devices is indisputable. But what implications does this have for other actors in the food system? What are the challenges for manufacturers of equipment and for food-industry to meet the demands of the connected consumer that is always online. This presentation takes as a point of the departure the EU Richfields design study present outline of ongoing “food and the digital” project. Finally it asks the question on what are the implications for manufacturers of equipment – and their partners in food industry
    Periode11 nov. 2018
    BegivenhedstitelInnovate Food: Food Tech 2018
    PlaceringHerning, DanmarkVis på kort
    Grad af anerkendelseInternational