ICSA 2016 The International Conference on Structures and Architecture (Ekstern organisation)

  • Marie Frier Hvejsel (Medlem)

Aktivitet: MedlemskabMedlemskab af udvalg, kommission, råd, nævn, forening, organisation eller lignende


The International Conference on Structures and Architecture is the world's leading and largest global conference bridging the gap between Structures and Architecture.

The contributions on creative and scientific aspects in the conception and construction of structures, on advanced technologies and on complex architectural and structural applications represent a fine blend of scientific, technical and practical novelties in both fields.

Scientific Committee

Body type: Scientific Committee
Periode27 jul. 201629 jul. 2016
Sted for afholdelseICSA 2016 The International Conference on Structures and Architecture
Grad af anerkendelseInternational