Organizer/author of numerous and successful collective grant applications

  • Hedetoft, Ulf (Modtager)

Pris: Stipendier


Bibliografisk note: Funding has been granted by a variety of institutions, e.g. the Danish Research Agency, the Ministry for Integration Affairs in Denmark, the Democracy Foundation in the Danish Foreign Ministry, the European Commission, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Obel Foundation, Scandinavian Airlines, the Regional Council of Northern Jutland, the Municipality of Aalborg, and many others.

For the funding of major research initiatives (e.g. ISSEI Conference 1992, SPIRIT, 1997-2002; AMID, 2001-2005; Irregular Migration, 2005-2009), grants to publications (e.g. a volume mapping Danish integration research, 1980-2002), and conferences (e.g. ‘Reimagining Belonging’, 1999, ‘Integration Days’, 2003, and ‘US Foreign Policy since 1945’, 2006).