Rebelling against entrepreneurship education: a phronetic approach

Bidragets oversatte titel: Oprør mod entreprenørskabsundervisning: en fronetisk tilgang

Publikation: Ph.d.-afhandling

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Entrepreneurship is a ubiquitous part of daily discourse and politics in many modern societies. We are increasingly becoming aware of how we are expected to be the creators of our own future jobs. Entrepreneurship promises more jobs for more people, and it incites us to innovate and to disrupt us away from the status quo. Entrepreneurship is a key component for steady economic growth. As a consequence, a growing interest in entrepreneurship education has followed; one that promises to provide the means that will sustain the future demand for entrepreneurial souls. This dissertation is a phronetic exploration of entrepreneurship education. Phronesis, as identified by Aristotle, is a scientific virtue addressing ethical and practical matters related to fields of public interest. Given the context of the study, and based on qualitative data, it is argued how an alternative way of thinking about entrepreneurship education might be more desirable.
Bidragets oversatte titelOprør mod entreprenørskabsundervisning: en fronetisk tilgang
  • Pedersen, Lene Tanggaard, Hovedvejleder
  • Korsgaard, Steffen, Bivejleder, Ekstern person
ISBN'er, elektronisk978-87-7210-044-9
StatusUdgivet - 2018

Bibliografisk note

PhD supervisor:
Professor. Lene Tanggaard, Aalborg University

Assistant PhD supervisor:
Associate Prof. Steffen Korsgaard, University of Southern Denmark


  • Enterpreneurship education
  • Phronesis
  • democracy
  • education
  • value-rationality
