A test-retest reliability study of human experimental models of histaminergic and non-histaminergic itch

Hjalte Holm Andersen, Anne-Kathrine R. Sørensen , Gebbie A. R. Nielsen, Marianne S. Mølgaard , Pernille Stilling , Shellie A. Boudreau, Jesper Elberling, Lars Arendt-Nielsen

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Numerous exploratory, proof-of-concept and interventional studies have used histaminergic and non-histaminergic human models of itch. However, no reliability studies for such surrogate models have been conducted. This study investigated the test-retest reliability for the response to histamine- and cowhage- (5, 15, 25 spiculae) induced itch in healthy volunteers. Cowhage spiculae were individually applied with tweezers and 1% histamine was applied with a skin prick test (SPT) lancet, both on the volar forearm. The intensity of itch was recorded on a visual analogue scale and self-reported area of itch was assessed 5 and 10 min after itch provocation. Reliability of the evoked itch (area under the curve and peak intensity) was assessed by the coefficient of variation (CV), intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), and sample size estimation for parallel and cross-over designs. Cowhage (ICC = 0.57-0.77, CVbetween = 97%, CVwithin = 41%) and histamine: (ICC = 0.83-0.93, CVbetween = 97%, CVwithin = 20%) exhibited moderate-to-excellent intra-individual reliability and moderate inter-individual reliability for the itch intensity. For an observation period of one week, SPT-delivered histamine and application of cowhage-spiculae are reproducible human models of itch. The high inter-individual and low intra-individual variability suggests cross-over designed studies when applicable.

Tidsskrift Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)198-207
StatusUdgivet - 2017


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