Apathy towards the Integration of Usability Work: A Case of System Justification

Adeola Wale-Kolade, Peter Axel Nielsen

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In this article we report from a case study of a software development organization and we study in particular the developers’ and product managers’ attitudes towards integrating usability work into software development. We offer explanations based on system justification theory illuminating what would-be integrators might be up against. The analysis shows how the developers only pay lip service to usability work and how they treat users superficially. It further shows how that leads to stereotyping of usability designers and users in order to preserve status quo, and how internalization of inequality between the developers and usability designers rationalizes the preservation of status quo. These findings will have significant implications for managers of software development.
TidsskriftInteracting with Computers
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)437-450
StatusUdgivet - 1 jun. 2016
