Regnskabsinformation og "anden information" på det danske aktiemarked

Frank Thinggaard, Peder Fredslund Møller, Jesper Damkier

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


    SUMMARY: This paper investigates the extent to which »other information« impounded

    in share prices in the Danish stock market in the period 1983-2001 has predictive

    value regarding future accounting realisations. We both analyse the relation between

    share returns and future accounting realisations within a fiscal year using an approach

    similar in spirit to the classical study by Ball & Brown (1968) and between fiscal years

    by comparing the number of reversals in accounting numbers from one year to the next

    in a »consistency group« - i.e. a group of companies where the stock market signal

    (good year/bad year) corresponds to the financial statement signal - and in an »inconsistency

    group« - i.e. a group of companies where the stock market signal is contrary

    to the financial statement signal. Our results indicate that »other information« in stock

    prices has predictive value for accounting realisations in the current fiscal year, but not

    for next year. This moderate time-horizon quality is contrary to previous US results, but

    supports the conclusion in another analysis of the Danish stock market.

    Udgivelsesdato: Nov. 2008
    TidsskriftNationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift
    Udgave nummer2
    Sider (fra-til)109-134
    StatusUdgivet - 2008


    • Regnskabsinformation
    • Anden information
    • Prognoseværdi
    • Prognoseformål
    • Tidshorisont-kvalitet
    • lLad indicator
    • Ball-Brown
    • Regnskabsreversioner
