Revelation and Innovation of Value: Interaction between revelatory theology artistic creativity and small business model innovation context

Kristin Margrethe Saghaug

    Publikation: Ph.d.-afhandling

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    Kristin F. Saghaug’s Phd thesis investigates the interaction of revelatory theology, artistic creativity and small business owners in a business model innovation context. This project challenges mainstream business management’s concept of value and adds to the understanding of the innovation process through a pioneering conversation across different specialized domains.
    How can philosophical theology, namely, Paul Tillich’s theory of revelation, contribute to productive reflection on the innovation of value among small business owners in a business model innovation context?
    Empirical findings show that many of the business owners in this study try to balance between their personal values and economic values. A further investigation into this results in a model of innovation of value from a theological perspective in respect to business model innovation.
    It is the very understanding of values that are innovated as they are “broken through” using Tillich’s notion of revelation in art and his anthropology. The project adds to the understanding of the innovation process as it focuses on the moment as a breakthrough, a fragmentary revelation that unites past, present and future.
    The form of this PhD thesis is an extensive analytical and theoretical synthesis disseminating and reflecting on eight research papers, framed as a reflexive auto-ethnographical story reporting from the research journey.

    • Gustafsson, Jeppe, Hovedvejleder
    • Pattison, George , Bivejleder, Ekstern person
    • Lindgren, Peter, Bivejleder, Ekstern person
    ISBN'er, elektronisk978-87-7112-329-6
    StatusUdgivet - 2015

    Bibliografisk note

    How can business owners balance their personal and economic values?
    This PhD thesis investigates the interaction of revelatory theology, artistic creativity and small business owners in a business model innovation context. It challenges the mainstream business management’s concept of value and adds to the understanding of the innovation process. The thesis finds that many of the business owners try to balance between their personal values and economic values. This results in a model of innovation of value from a theological perspective in respect to business model innovation.

    Published: 2015


    • Business owners
    • Business models
    • Innovation
    • Value
