Spatial Assimilation in Denmark? Why do immigrants move to and from multiethnic neighbourhoods?

Hans Skifter Andersen

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In most European countries ethnic minorities have had a tendency to settle in certain parts of cities, and often in social housing, together with other immigrants in so-called multiethnic neighbourhoods. An explanation for this could be low income combined with lack of knowledge of the housing market and discrimination, which limits the housing possibilities for ethnic minorities. Another explanation could be that immigrants for different reasons choose to settle in so-called ethnic enclaves where they can find an ethnic social network, which can support them in their new country. In traditional research literature about immigration it has been shown that for many immigrants living in enclaves has been a temporary situation. The 'spatial assimilation theory' says that this situation ends when the family has become more integrated in the new society and then moves to other parts of the city. This paper provides evidence to support both explanations of why ethnic minorities move to and from multiethnic neighbourhoods.
Udgivelsesdato: Maj

TidsskriftHousing Studies
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)281-300
StatusUdgivet - 2010


  • Mobilitet, etniske minoriteter
