Off-Shore Windpower – Research-related bottlenecks

    Project Details


    The goal of the project is to significantly strengthen the scientific basis for the wind power industry in general and specifically the Danish wind power industry’s position in offshore applications.
    To meet the goal the proposed research must have a significant potential for reduction of cost of energy from large offshore wind farms, and for contributing to reduction of the economic risks arising from inadequately founded design.
    The key design driver for most offshore structures is safety. For offshore wind turbines/farms, however, the main design driver is economy and therefore there is a strong requirement for enhancing design tools and avoiding conservatism. Consequently, focus is on the following issues:
    1. Mutual shadow effect between large blocks of wind turbines – ignorance of the effect may have disastrous consequences for the economy.
    2. Extreme structural loading of offshore wind turbines – detailed understanding and description of extreme winds and gusts and resulting loads is crucial for the safety and economics of the wind turbines.
    3. Interaction of large wind farms with waves and current – understanding and modeling may lead to reduced design loads on wind turbine units placed in the downwind end of the wind farms.
    4. Grid connection and reliability – An unreliable grid caused by high wind energy penetration is an obvious barrier for the dissemination of the technology.
    5. Optimized operation and maintenance for offshore wind farms – presently more than a third of the cost of energy from offshore wind farms relates to O&M and the potential for reductions is therefore large.
    The project is sponsored by The strategic Research council and have participant from Risø National Laboratory, Elsam Engineering, Insitut for Mekanik, Energi og Konstruktion DTU, DHI, Svend Ole Hansen and Institute of Energy Technology AAU.
    The institute of Energy Technology is especially involved in issue 4 in this project, by Birgitte Bak-Jensen, and also a Ph.D project is set up together with Risø and Elsam Engineering, with the title: Offshore Wind Power – Grid Connection and Reliability, see this project.
    Effective start/end date01/08/200531/07/2008


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