• Chen, Zhe (PI)
  • Hu, Weihao (Project Participant)

Project Details


Power systems become more and more complex and uncertain with large scale applications of power electronics converters which are used for integration of renewable energy sources, prosumers, and high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems etc. The impact of large scale integration of power electronics is becoming non negligible, power electronics bring in the discrete operational features, such as fast switching, inertia-less changing of operation states. The project Power Electronics based Power Systems DENMARK-CHINA (PEPS DENMARK-CHINA) is to accelerate the development, transfer and deployment of research knowledge between Denmark and China in order to obtain better understanding of modern power electronics based power systems in various situations, by considering variety of renewable energy technologies for sustainability, efficiency and reliability.
Short titlePEPS
Effective start/end date01/01/201631/12/2016

Collaborative partners

  • Xi'an Jiaotong University


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