Track 1: Green Computing, Communication and NetworksTopics: High Performance Cloud Computing; Computing for Sustainability; IoT, CPS, CPSS; Data mining; Data and Information Quality Control; Computer Vision; Distributed Computing; Software Engineering; Bioinformatics; Semantics Web; Cryptography; Digital Forensics; Mobile Security; Cloud Security; Energy Constrained Network Devices; Algorithms and Game Theory, Energy Efficient Physical Layer; Power Harvesting; 5G networks; MIMO Systems; Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Networks; Signal Processing for Communications; Communication Architecture; Delay Tolerant Networks; Fault Tolerance, Reliability and Survivability; Flow and Congestion Control; Multimedia and Real-Time Networking; Optical Networks and Systems Protocols and Standards; Satellite and Space Communications; Sensor/Embedded Networks and Pervasive; Personal Area Networks; Social Network Behaviors; Modeling and Analysis; Vehicular, Underground and Underwater Networks; Software Defined Networking , Smart Grid Communications, Power-line Communications, Antenna and Wave Propagation; Green Communication Management.
Track 2: Green Energy and Power System, Smart Grid
Topics: Power Generation; Transmission and Distribution; Power System Monitoring; Control and Protection; Energy: Renewable Energy Sources; Grid Integration of Renewables; System Integration of Renewables; Power System Operation and Control; Power Electronics; Energy Forecasting; Load Forecasting; Microgrids, Smart Grids; Energy Storage; Electric Vehicles; Battery Management System; Hybrid Vehicles; Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles; Power Electronics; Electric Machines
Track 3: Intelligent Systems and Sensors
Topics: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Agricultural Informatics and Communication; Big Data Analytics; Bio-inspired Optimization; Community Information Systems; E-Systems; Informatics Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms; Hybrid Intelligent Systems; Neural Networks; Neuro-Fuzzy Models and Applications; Neuro Informatics Open Source: Challenges and Opportunities; Smart grid and Renewable Energy; Low Power Electronics; VLSI Systems; Nano Electronics; FPGA Development; System on Chip; Embedded Applications; Embedded Memory Architecture; System Automation, Capacitive Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors, Temperature Sensors, IR Sensors; Sensors in Process Control; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Photonic; Nanosensors; Biosensors; Green Technologies; Green Materials; Biogas Energy Process; Solid Waste Energy; Green Sensors
Track 4: Aerospace and Automation Technologies
Topics: Flow-based Energy Harvesting; Sensors in Aerospace Systems; Flow Control; Sustainable Aviation Fuels; AI in Aerospace systems; Flow-sensing Technologies; Advancements in Aerospace Propulsion; Aeroelasticity; Computational Aerodynamics; Dynamics, Guidance and Control; Experimental Aerodynamics; Aircraft Systems and Avionics; Adaptive Structures; Morphing Wings; Fluid Dynamics; Bio-inspired Flows; Multiphase Flows; Flow Measurements, Materials for Aerospace Components; Aerospace Engineering; Aircraft Design; Aeroplane Design; Green Aviation; Drone Technology; Satellite Technologies; Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering; Automation System Engineering; UAV and Remote Sensing Technology; Synthetic Aperture Radar Technology; Flight Mechanics and Control; Geoscience Engineering; Mechatronics
Period | 2023 |
Event title | Technical Program Committee of the 2023 International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Intelligent Technology |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Johor, MalaysiaShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | International |