Additional file 1 of Circulating microvesicles and exosomes in small cell lung cancer by quantitative proteomics

  • Shona Pedersen (Creator)
  • Katrine Papendick Jensen (Aalborg University) (Creator)
  • Bent Honoré (Aalborg University, Aarhus University) (Creator)
  • Søren Risom Kristensen (Creator)
  • Camilla Holm Pedersen (Creator)
  • Weronika Maria Szejniuk (Creator)
  • Raluca Georgiana Maltesen (Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research) (Creator)
  • Ursula Gerda Inge Falkmer (Creator)



Additional file 1: Fig. S1. A supplementary Venn diagram was created to illustrate the proteins uniquely up- and downregulated for 20 K or 100 K, respectively, and those that are commonly expressed. Venn diagram describing differences between MV and exosomal proteins.
Date made available2022

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