Interface design of composite materials

  • Jensen, Henrik Myhre (Project Participant)
  • Sørensen, Kim Dalsten (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The Framework Programme aims to 1) establish characterisation and modelling tools for the mechanical behaviour of the fibre/matrix interface in glass and carbon fibre composites and 2) to establish an improved understanding of the influence of the fibre/matrix interfacial properties on the macroscopic behaviour of composites. The knowledge gained can be used to design optimised composite materials, e.g. composites with higher load carrying capability, which is an area of high relevance for the two involved industry partners.

    Materials Research Department, Risø National Laboratory (AFM-Risø.
    Danish Polymer Centre, Risø National Laboratory (POL-Risø).
    Department of Building Technology & Structural Engineering, Aalborg University (BTS-AAU).
    Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Aalborg University (IME-AAU).
    Force Technology (Force).
    LM Glasfiber A/S (LM).
    NKT Flexibles I/S (NKT-F).
    Effective start/end date01/01/200431/12/2007


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