A Generic Context Management Framework for Personal Networking Environments

Luis Sanchez, Rasmus Løvenstein Olsen, Martin Bauer, Marc Girod Genet

Research output: Contribution to journalConference article in JournalResearchpeer-review


In this paper we introduce a high level architecture
for a context management system for Personal Networks (PN).
The main objective of the Context Management Framework
(CMF) described in this paper is to support the interactions
between context information sources and context aware
components, services and applications in a generic manner,
independently of their nature and operation area. To this end, we
propose a structure consisting of a context access module,
processing and storage module, and a data source abstraction
layer. Nodes provide a certain set of these modules depending on
their computational capabilities and their role within the system.
We differentiate between Basic Context Nodes (BCN), Enhanced
Context Nodes (ECN) and Context Management Nodes (CMN)
within the CMF. CMNs operate on two levels, i.e., local/cluster
level and PN level. In the paper we also describe how these
entities will interact with each other and how different context
information will be exchanged within the Personal Network.
Finally, we provide an outlook of the work and issues that need to
be addressed in order to complete the described framework.
Original languageEnglish
JournalFirst International Workshop on Personalized Networks
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventIEEE (explorer) - Paper number 0-7803-9792-4 -
Duration: 19 May 2010 → …


ConferenceIEEE (explorer) - Paper number 0-7803-9792-4
Period19/05/2010 → …


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