Advanced Tracking of Vehicles

Christian Søndergaard Jensen, K.-J. Li, Stardas Pakalnis, Simonas Saltenis

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


With the continued advances in wireless communications, geo-location technologies, and consumer electronics, it is becoming possible to accurately track the time-varying location of each vehicle in a population of vehicles. This paper reports on ongoing research that has as it objective to develop efficient tracking techniques. More specifically, while almost all commercially available tracking solutions simply offer time-based sampling of positions, this paper's techniques aim to offer a guaranteed tracking accuracy for each vehicle at the lowest possible costs, in terms of network traffic and server-side updates. This is achieved by designing, prototyping, and testing novel tracking techniques that exploit knowledge of the road network and past movement. These resulting tracking techniques are to support mobile services that rely on the existence of a central server that continuously tracks the current positions of vehicles.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Fifth European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems
Number of pages12
Publication date2005
Publication statusPublished - 2005
EventEuropean Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems - Hannover, Germany
Duration: 1 Jun 20053 Jun 2005
Conference number: 5


ConferenceEuropean Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems


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