Research output: Patent


A technology for determining an indication of heart failure of a subject (18) is proposed. It comprises: obtaining (100a) a first signal interval (36) from a source signal recorded with an accelerometer (14) placed on the chest of a subject (18), wherein the first signal interval (36) corresponds to a first subinterval of a heart cycle; inputting (200a) the first signal interval (36) into a first autoencoder, wherein the first autoencoder is trained on the corresponding first signal intervals obtained from healthy subjects and outputs a reconstructed first signal interval (44), determining (300a) a first correlation between the first signal interval (36) and the reconstructed first signal interval (44), and determining (400) the indication of heart failure based on the first correlation.

Original languageEnglish
IPCA61B 5/ 11 A I
Patent numberWO2024013233
Priority date13/07/2022
Priority numberEP20220184623
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jan 2024


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