Peer Review (Ekstern organisation)

  • Henrik Harder (Medlem)

Aktivitet: MedlemskabMedlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg


In western society, the homelike architecture is acknowledged as the ideal space for a dependent and older person. The realization of this space can be achieved by use of guidelines. These can be precise requirements to realize generally or conceptual criteria to reinvent individually. The open guideline creates a dilemma when an architecture competition is organized: The writing of a competition brief forces the organizer to define a preliminary set of goals for the participating architects to contemplate, but it equips this actor with preconceived views on what to be accomplished. In the competition situation, the main objective of the brief is to generate design solutions that go beyond the organizer’s expectation. Sweden uses open guidelines for space intended for dependent and frail people.

Peer review af en artikel fra Jonas E. Anderssons afhandling publiceret i Nordisk Arkitekturforskning nr. 24 2012
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