Public launch inhabited information space ... Series: Computer supported cooperative work, Springer, 2004: ISBN 978-1-85233-728-5

    Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragForedrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed


    About this book
    In an era when increasing numbers of people are conducting research and interacting with one another through the internet, the study of ‘Inhabited Information Spaces’ is aimed at encouraging a more fruitful exchange between the users, and the digital data they are accessing. Introducing the new and developing field of Inhabited Information Spaces, this book covers all types of collaborative systems including virtual environments and more recent innovations such as hybrid and augmented real-world systems. Divided into separate sections, each covering a different aspect of Inhabited Information Systems, this book includes: How best to design and construct social work spaces; analysis of how users interact with existing systems, and the technological and sociological challenges designers face; How Inhabited Information Spaces are likely to evolve in the future and the new communities that they will create.
    Written for:
    Systems designers; website/VR system designers; usability engineers; postgraduate students and academic and industrial researchers studying cooperative work through inhabited information spaces
    Computer Mediated Communication
    Information Spaces
    Information Visualisation
    Virtual Reality

    Periode26 feb. 2004
    BegivenhedstitelPublic launch inhabited information space ... Series: Computer supported cooperative work, Springer, 2004
    ArrangørA. L. Brooks (self)
    PlaceringAalborg University Esbjerg, DanmarkVis på kort