The Turmoil of Living in Lockdown

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i konference


The theme of this year's International Women’s Day event 2021 at STK, Oslo University, is the gendered and intersecting consequences of covid-19. In short the event adresses how Covid-19 has uncovered and reinforced existing vulnerabilities and inequalities in society, both in Norway and globally, in particular by taking a closer look at the gendered consequences on work and migration. In my talk I adress how the pandemic has blurred the distinctions between home, work and leisure. Families, and parents in particular, are facing a whole new set of everyday entanglements and a shift in dynamics which requires new kinds of negotiations. Yet, the circumstances related to the lockdown are not experienced equally; and the pandemic has been described as both a backward step for gender equality and as a game changer that has shaken up traditional gender norms.
Periode8 mar. 2021
PlaceringOsloVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational