A Qualitative Perspective on the Status of the Master’s Thesis in Higher education: – A Commentary on ‘Social Normativity of Research Methods and the Methodological Discrepancy Between Mainstream Psychological Research and Danish Psychology Students’ Master’s Thesis Projects’

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In this paper, the findings and conclusions from a previous study concerning Danish psychology students’ Master thesis projects are discussed. By conducting eight qualitative semi-structured interviews with nine psychology students, shortly after they had handed in their Master’s theses, we attempted to uncover and challenge some of our previous findings. We set out to deepen our previous conclusions concerning (1) why there is a seeming discrepancy between the use of certain methods and theories amongst the students and psychology as a discipline writ large, (2) whether their use of qualitative methods indicated a routine-like relationship to methods, and (3) whether a unification of methods and theories can be identified. Based on the interviews conducted for this commentary, we conclude that the students do indeed take an active stance when it comes to choosing their methods and topics, and that they are fully aware of the discrepancy between their interests and psychology as a discipline.
TidsskriftIntegrative Psychological & Behavioral Science
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)1050–1064
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2023
