A-Source Impedance Network

Yam Prasad Siwakoti, Frede Blaabjerg, Veda Prakash Galigekere, Agasthya Ayachit, Marian K. Kazimierczuk

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftLetterpeer review

77 Citationer (Scopus)


A novel A-source impedance network is proposed in this letter. The A-source impedance network uses an autotransformer for realizing converters for any application that demand a very high dc voltage gain. The network utilizes a minimal turns ratio compared to other Magnetically Coupled Impedance Source (MCIS) networks to attain a high voltage gain. In addition, the proposed converter draws a continuous current from the source, and hence it is suitable for many types of renewable energy sources. The derived network expressions and theoretical analysis are finally validated experimentally with an example single-switch 400 W dc-dc converter. For the closed-loop control design and stability assessment, a small signal model and its analysis of the proposed network are also presented in brief.
TidsskriftI E E E Transactions on Power Electronics
Udgave nummer12
Sider (fra-til)8081 - 8087
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2016


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