An Indexing Scheme for Case-Based Manufacturing Vision Development

Chengbo Wang, John Johansen, James T. Luxhøj

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review


    This paper focuses on one critical element, indexing – retaining and representing knowledge in an applied case-based reasoning (CBR) model for supporting strategic manufacturing vision development (CBRM). Manufacturing vision (MV) is a kind of knowledge management concept and process concerned with the competence improvement of an enterprises manufacturing system. There are two types of cases within the CBRM – an event case (EC) and a general supportive case (GSC). We designed one set of indexing vocabulary for the two types of cases, but a different indexing representation structure for each of them. In this paper, after the background introduction of the MV, the CBRM and the indexing challenges of the MV cases, we present the structure and content of the index vocabulary and the two indexing representation structures, then illustrate briefly the indexing of cases with two examples. We also summarize the methods, primary conclusions of test runs with the indexing scheme. Further research work to refine the index vocabulary is discussed as well.
    TitelAdvances in Case-Based Reasoning : Proceedings of the 7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004
    RedaktørerPeter Funk, Pedro A. González Calero
    ForlagIEEE Computer Society Press
    ISBN (Trykt)3540228829
    StatusUdgivet - 2004
    Begivenhed7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004 - Madrid, Spanien
    Varighed: 30 aug. 20042 sep. 2004
    Konferencens nummer: 7


    Konference7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004
    NavnLecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence : Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

    Bibliografisk note

    ArkivNr : 2797


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