Analysis of regular structures third degree based on chordal rings

Slawomir Bujnowski, Bozydar Dubalski, Jens Myrup Pedersen, Antoni J. Zabludowski

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This paper presents an analysis of modified chordal rings third degree (CR3m) and modified double ring structure (N2Rm), which can be used as models of real networks. The proposed solutions are novel and different from the ones currently used since they have two chords of different lengths. In the first part of paper, formulas for the basic parameters diameter and average path length were derived using optimal/ideal graphs, and used for indicating transmission properties of the structures. These analytical results were confirmed by comparison to a large number of computations on real graphs.  In the second part, these parameters were compared to the parameters of standard topologies, showing that the distances are shorter when having two different chord lengths.

TidsskriftImage Processing & Communications
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)13-24
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - apr. 2009


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