Capitalizing on nature: A Critical Discourse Study of Nature Policy concerning the Murchison Falls Conservation Area of Uganda

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This article explores discursive struggles between ideologies of nature development and nature conservation in the context of the Murchison Falls Conservation Area (MFCA) in Uganda. Based on the concepts of critical discourse moments and discourse coalitions, the article offers a nuanced perspective on nature policy in a specific, though not unique, context. The purpose of studying tensions between different positions in nature policy from a critical discourse perspective is to increase the awareness of the role of language use in the struggles. Moreover, the study aims at enhancing the understanding of different interests and thus reducing the conflict potential regarding the MFCA.
TidsskriftCritical Policy Studies
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)405-423
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 2022


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