Certificate for Safe Emergency Shutdown of Wind Turbines

Rafal Wisniewski, Mikael Svenstrup, Andreas Søndergaard Pedersen, Christian Sigge Steiniche

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingKonferenceartikel i proceedingForskningpeer review

18 Citationer (Scopus)
536 Downloads (Pure)


To avoid damage to a wind turbine in the case of a fault or a large wind gust, a detection scheme for emergency shutdown is developed. Specifically, the concept of a safety envelope is introduced. Within the safety envelope, the system can be shutdown without risking structural damage to the turbine. To demarcate the boundary of the safety envelope, a protection certificate, is computed. To this end, a model- based framework of barrier certificates is used. As a result, the protection certificate problem is formulated as a sum-of- squares program with the optimisation criterion related to the volume of the safety envelope. The framework enables the inclusion of a bounded wind disturbance and the a priori known emergency shutdown procedure. For this purpose, the model of a wind turbine is developed that includes structural safety critical components.
TitelAmerican Control Conference (ACC), 2013
Antal sider6
ForlagAmerican Automatic Control Council
Sider3667 - 3672
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-4799-0177-7
StatusUdgivet - 2013
Begivenhed The 2013 American Control Conference - Washington, USA
Varighed: 17 jun. 201319 jun. 2013


Konference The 2013 American Control Conference
NavnAmerican Control Conference


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