Constraints and Opportunities for Integrating Preparation for Reuse in the Danish WEEE Management System

Kristina Overgaard Zacho, Anja Marie Bundgaard, Mette Mosgaard

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

25 Citationer (Scopus)


In Denmark, the targets of the WEEE Directive are primarily met through recycling, even though waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) could be prepared for reuse with increased environmental, economic and social benefits. In this study, we investigate the WEEE management system as a socio-technical system. Through interviews with 23 stakeholders, we identify conflicts of interest and technological, organisational and institutional constraints for integrating preparation for reuse as a management option within the current system. Based on this, we identify four main prerequisites for a future integration of preparation for reuse. These are: a) extended tendering periods to incentivise technological investments; b) the introduction of measures to incentivise municipal waste authorities to organise value-conserving logistics; c) the introduction of standards and/or guidelines to ensure the quality and safety of preparation operations and data management; and d) measures to avoid transboundary sales of used EEE. Based on transition management theory, we suggest pilot testing and the development of niche projects to test new constellations of collaboration between actors in the system.
TidsskriftResources, Conservation and Recycling
Sider (fra-til)13-23
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2018


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