Cortisol in Manure from Cattle Enclosed with Nofence Virtual Fencing

Christian Sonne*, Aage Kristian Olsen Alstrup, Cino Pertoldi, John Frikke, Anne Cathrine Linder, Bjarne Styrishave


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3 Citationer (Scopus)
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To increase the efficiency and geographic expansion of nature conservation, large grazers have recently been used, either in the form of wild hoof-bearing animals or as domesticated ruminants including cattle. As part of this, controlling the movement of these animals is essential using either physical or virtual fences to manage the areas of interest. Physical fencing limits migrating wildlife, while using virtual fences with GPS technology paired with collars emitting auditory and electric cues encourages the animals to stay in the desired area without physical restrictions for wild animals. However, virtual fences raise ethical questions regarding the electric impulses emitted by the collar and stress in the fenced animals, we show that the stress hormone cortisol in cow mature is not associated with the use of virtual fencing. We, therefore, conclude that there is no evidence suggesting that cows are stressed from the use of virtual fencing, thus making virtual fencing a reasonable alternative to traditional electric physical fencing for cows. We recommend using manure as a noninvasive physiological measure of large grazer stress during virtual fencing to survey and understand animal welfare.
Udgave nummer21
StatusUdgivet - 3 nov. 2022


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