Diskurser om køn, magt og politik i Skandinavien

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


    The article analyses academic discourses about power and politics in Scandinavia. It compares the Swedish discourse about a gender system and the Norwegian discourse about gender difference with two key approaches in the Danish framework, the welfare state- and the mobilisationapproach. It is argued that the two Danish approaches have not to the same extent than the Swedish focused on the reproduction of male domination and they have not like the Norwegian emphasised gender differences. The Danish approaches to power and politics empohasised both continuity and changes of gender relations and they have not been marked by different interpretations of the development of gender relations.
    Bidragets oversatte titelDiscourses about Gender, Power and Politics in Scandinavia
    TitelKønsmagt under forandring
    RedaktørerBorchorst, Anette (red.)
    ForlagHans Reitzels Forlag
    ISBN (Trykt)8741224701
    StatusUdgivet - 2002


    • Kønsmagt
    • Mag
    • Empowerment
