Next Generation Public Safety and Emergency Technologies

Bidragets oversatte titel: Næste Generations Offentlige Sikkerheds og bredskabsteknologier

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The paper researches the existing European standards for Public Safety and Emergency (PSE) services (also called Public Protection Disaster Relief “PPDR”), and identifies based on user studies in Denmark conflicts between the current deployments of the standards and the user requirements. The aim is further to identify the potentials of new technologies for PSE. The paper deals with policy and technology frameworks, regulatory issues and in particular the spectrum issues in the current PPDR deployments in the EU countries. The paper draws on the results and concepts developed in two EU-projects.Experience from research projects are used to discuss new possible solutions to the problems. We look at the development in other majormarkets and draw on developments on the Japanese and the US markets, when it comes to the deployment of LTE.
Bidragets oversatte titelNæste Generations Offentlige Sikkerheds og bredskabsteknologier
TidsskriftNordic and Baltic Journal of Information and Communications Technologies
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)43-72
Antal sider29
StatusUdgivet - 2014
