PBL3.0: Integrating Learning Analytics and Semantics in Problem-Based Learning

Maria Zotou, Efthimios Tambouris, Evangelia Triantafyllou, Olga Timcenko, Lise Kofoed, Christian Stracke, Katerina Riviou, Elena García Barriocanal, Wilfrid Utz, Peter Martos, Konstantinos Tarabanis

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This paper presents the PBL3.0 project that aims at enhancing Problem Based Learning (PBL) with Learning Analytics (LA) and Learning Semantics (LS) in order to produce a new educational paradigm and pilot it to produce relevant policy recommendations. To this end, the project will reach the following objectives and corresponding specific goals: 1) Construct a new educational approach that combines a well-established learning strategy like PBL with novel technologies in learning like LA in PBL respecting legal and ethical consid-erations (PBL_LA), 2) Design a semantic model for PBL_LA, which will enable the annotation of learning resources in order to easily integrate them to the PBL approach and enable their discoverability when setting personalized learning pathways, 3) Adapt a set of open source software tools for supporting PBL_LA and the semantic model based on existing Learning Management Systems, analytics tools, and an intuitive semantic annotation tool, 4) Create relevant, semantically annotated educational material and perform trials at various sites in order to draw evidence-based conclusions, 5) Produce relevant policy recommendations for PBL_LA that could raise the quality in education and training, 6) Create an organic ecosystem of among others organizations, re-searchers, educators, students with an interest in PBL_LA. Finally, the project will develop a Community of Practice, where institutions and individuals from across Europe will be able to exchange knowledge and expertise on LA, learning semantics, innovative learning tools and approaches. This aims to support transnational cooperation and mutual learning on forward-looking issues between key stakeholders to provide solutions to current challenges in education and training.
StatusUdgivet - 2016
BegivenhedThe 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Pedagogical Grounded Learning Analytics Design Workshop - Lyon, Frankrig
Varighed: 13 sep. 201616 sep. 2016


KonferenceThe 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning


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