Project Details


This grant was offered to cover an exchange at the Faculy of Architecture and Urban Planning from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.
During the exchange, and together with the Digital Fabrication group, we organized a workshop with 30 students from the 3rd and 4th year of study. The workshop is a research-based teaching project where we investigate novel, and potentially sustainable materials for architecture.
We created a series of triply periodic minimal surfaces that we 3D printed using wood filaments. We then impregnated these structures with hedecoptera mycelium. The purpose of the project is to study the behaviour of the mycelium growth in complex structures, and investigate whether they can be used as structural elements for architectural design.
Effective start/end date03/11/202317/11/2023


  • Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization: DKK14,700.00


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