Project Details


The overall agenda of the project ‘Cooperative Partnerships for Capacity Building in VET’ is to improve the quality of VET by supporting the professional development and empowerment of teachers and school leaders.

The long term and indirect impact of the project is to enhance student learning outcome. The impact on students learning is envisaged by an increased quality in the local VET education. The presumed impact is based on the research synthesis linking leadership practices to students learning (Robinson 2008).

The multifaceted future roles and diverse competence requirements and expectations in VET requires innovation agency defined as the ability to reflect, evaluate and change one’s actions. . Capacity building in VET is a complex, social phenomenon and therefore it is imperative to identify these generative mechanisms because ‘institutional standards and recipes’ will most likely not deliver the same expected outcomes if they are not translated into the local VET contexts. The generative mechanisms identified in the project will represent the key to successful translation,
implementation and hence organizational innovation.
Addressing the need to build capacity in VET, we argue that the “DNA of leadership for learning” is a key contribution to profession learning. In sum, the project addresses the need of developing leaders and teachers' professional competences of handling the double-demand of
being both immediately practical and developing underlying principles and methods solving new problems. Hence, the project addresses the need to know more about how the work of professional learning is done and how and why it contributes to capacity building in VET

Layman's description

Capacity Building i erhvervsskoler, handler om at opbygge erhvervsskolers organisatoriske ressourcer til at forbedre elevernes læringsudbytte samt styrke skolernes kapacitet til at håndtere forandringer.
Capacity Bolding in VET er et Cooperative partnership, der er finansieret af Erasmus- plus.
7 erhvervsskoler på tværs af EU deltager:
Randers Social- og Sundhedsskole. DK
Roskilde Tekniske skole. DK
Kozep-Europai Menedzsment. HU
Cometa Formazione. IT
DaVinci college. NL
Drenthe college. NL
Fjölbrautaskólinn. IS
Capacity Building i erhvervsskoler, handler om at opbygge erhvervsskolers organisatoriske ressourcer til at både at forbedre elevernes læringsudbytte samt styrke skolernes kapacitet til at håndtere forandringer. Formålet med projektet er at opbygge erhvervsskoleledere- og underviseres kompetence til at fremme professionelle læringsaktiviteter med henblik på organisatorisk Capacity Building.

Key findings

The objectives of the project with the implementation of listed
• Build the task force members individual capacity to work within international development in a project-organized way. - Increase the participants theoretical and methodically knowledge about Professional learning and Capacity Building in VET.
• Train trainers in initiating local processes of professional learning.
• Build the local players individual and organizational ability-skills, knowledge and motivation to engage in professional learning events and collaborate on enhancing the students learning.
• Build the participants ability to learn from transnational peer-counselling
• Research based knowledge testing the DNA of leadership for Learning in VET.

Effective start/end date01/03/202201/09/2024

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals