Creative Learning Lab - Sustainable Methodologies in Higher Education

Project Details


"Creative Learning Lab - a Methodological and Sustainable Roadmap-" is a research project. It seeks to explore the existing PBL model at AAU with innovative methodological learning tools to inscribe the Model into the overall functional objective of Higher Education (OECDs report for skills required for Higher Education for the 21st century) to prepare students to be creative, critical thinkers and flexible and conscientious citizens. The idea is to create synergies between the researcher's research interests and teaching provided to the students to strengthen the co-creation with and relevance for the students. Apart it is a research project with focus on giving the students practice and real-life challenges to solve in order to provide them with experience relevant for the future career enabling them to position them better in future employability situations after University life.

Creative Learning Lab seeks to explore the existing PBL model at AAU with a dynamic learning model which we inscribe into the overall functional objective of Higher Education (OECDs report for skills required for Higher Education for the 21st century) to prepare students to be creative, be critical thinkers and be flexible and conscientious citizens.

Creative Learning Labs mål er at give inspiration og konkrete redskaber til at integrere forløbene både undervisnings- og projektperioderne i konkrete problemstillinger der er relevante for forskellige eksterne aktører forstået som aktører uden for AAU. Metoderne skaber synergi mellem forskernes forskningsinteresser samt undervisning og styrke de studerende i at samarbejde samt give dem erfaring med at anvende akademisk viden på konkrete og abstrakte problemstillinger hos de eksterne aktører.

It can be a toolkit for policy- and decision makers as well as NGOs and institutions working with participation, empowerment and capacity building
Effective start/end date01/03/201931/12/2020

Collaborative partners

  • Mario Velázquez
  • Carlos Santana


  • Problem Based Learning, students, co-creation, toolkit, eksternal actors, innovative methodologies,


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