-quality in E-learning research Laboratoire (EQUEL- projektet).

Project Details


The aim of the EQUEL project is to foster European knowledge and understanding of the effects of e-learning practice, theory and philosophy through building a research and practitioner network of experts working in the field. The aim of the EQUEL project is to foster European knowledge and understanding of the effects of e-learning practice, theory and philosophy through building a research and practitioner network of experts working in the field. The overall intention of the EQUEL project is to establish a dual mode virtual centre and space for sharing ongoing work and developing collaborative project activities with other researchers and practitioners. This will primarily be achieved through the establishment of seven Special Interest Groups (SIGs) co-ordinated by members of the consortium. It is proposed that each SIGs will each be based on essentially the same principles or common framework, which can then be adapted as seen best by members of the SIG. EQUEL knyttes på Institut for Kommunikation fagligt og organisatorisk til E-learning Lab. Projektet er støttet af EU?s program om E-learning. (Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Elsebeth Korsgaard, Thomas Ryberg og Lillian Buus; University of Coventry, England; University of Glasgow, Scotland; University of Sheffield, England; Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Belgien; Université de Liège, Belgien; Learning Lab Danmark, AAU; E.M.LYON, Frankrig; Göteborg University, Sverige; Karolinska Institutet, Sverige; Université de Genève, Schweiz). I tilknytning til EQUEL har AAU i samarbejde med Shieffield University afholdt en International workshop: Researching and evaluating collaborative e-learning groups and communities i forbindelse med CSCL03 i Bergen og to forskersymposier (m. paper) i tiknytning til konferencen Networking the Learner, Lancaster 2004.
Effective start/end date01/11/200231/12/2004


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