Entrepreneurship Education in Schools: Skipper Clement School International Department, Aalborg

  • Knudsen, Jacob Dronninglund (Project Coordinator)
  • Mersholm, Mogens (Project Participant)
  • Rohd-Thomsen, Jenny (Project Manager)
  • Tribler, Nanna (Project Manager)
  • Turcan, Romeo V. (Project Coordinator)

Project Details


The project aims to provide students in schools the chance to experience entrepreneurship at all levels of education, specifically:

To promote the development of skills & attitudes relevant to entrepreneurship

To raise students’awareness of self-employment as a career option

To provide the business skills that are needed in order to start a new venture

The project is based on an effective methodology for spreading entrepreneurial mindsets, as it is based on learning through direct experience of entrepreneurship.

Student-run companies from different countries engage in REAL international trade activity using ICTs & foreign languages to communicate with each other.
Effective start/end date29/06/2011 → 30/06/2012

Collaborative partners

  • Skipper Clement School International Department (Project partner)


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