Fully Automated Service Execution platform for PhotoVoltaic power plants

  • Séra, Dezso (Project Participant)
  • Spataru, Sergiu Viorel (Project Participant)

Project Details


The projects vision is to significantly improve the profitability of PhotoVoltaic (PV) power plants, through a Fully Automated Service Execution (FASE) platform, implemented as a cloud based IT solution. The service platform will integrate state-of-the-art fault diagnosis, and portfolio based service planning and execution automation. Our aim is to increase the 30 year lifetime yield of PV plants by an estimated 8-10%, and reduce total service costs over lifetime by 40-50%. This will catalyse PV towards being the most competitive renewable energy source, with an estimated kWh price of 5-6 eurocent/kWh in 2018 from large scale PV plants under Danish irradiation conditions.
Effective start/end date01/04/201430/09/2017

Collaborative partners

  • Danica Pension (Project partner)
  • Econ GmbH (Project partner)
  • GreenGo Energy A/S (Project partner)
  • Technical University of Denmark (Project partner)


  • The Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation: DKK18,056,620.00


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