How do vocal interventions of Rap & Singing affect emotional and cognitive development by at-risk children in music therapy?

  • Uhlig, Sylka (Project Participant)

Project Details



The voice as primary instrument in music therapy: the emotional potential natural to the rap/singing experience seems important for aggression regulation and for the development of expressive language. The purpose of this study is twofold; the development of a specific vocal music therapy protocol for the growing group of at-risk children, and the measurement of the effect of this protocol. Through the specific use of the voice by following a protocol of described interventions emotional and cognitive development will be seriously researched. This research will focus on both aggression regulation of the client and on professional support of the learning ability. The improvement of verbal skills and expressive language development will be studied by analysing the client’s specific use of the voice, in particular singing or rapping. Collected data about the ability of aggression regulation and development of language support will be combined and studied in the context of this population. Finally, the research conclusions will result in a design of a protocol for vocal music therapy as a non-verbal form of psychotherapy. The study will work with a mixed method design of qualitative and quantitative methods, and will combine research about neurological as well as speech development resources.
AcronymPh.D. research study
Effective start/end date01/08/2010 → …