Challenges in developing a methodology for reviewing Nordic research on media and technology in MTE

Nikolaj Frydensbjerg Elf, Thorkild Hanghøj

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


The paper presents a methodological framework for a research project, which aims at reviewing Nordic research of mother tongue education with a particular focus on media and technology (M&T).

Relevant national context
During the last decade, several research projects have had an explicit focus on how M&T intervene with MTE practices. In this first phase of the review project, the analytical focus is on Danish research, acknowledging and at the same time questioning a national, ‘ethnocentric’ perspective of MTE research (Ongstad, 2012). The second phase will include research from Finland, Sweden and Norway, hence applying a ‘transnational’, regional perspective.

Research question
Using Danish research on M&T in MTE as a case study, how should a valid methodology for the review of research on M&T in MTE be designed and applied?

Inspired by the Campbell method, the research methodology comprises the following steps: 1) establishing valid criteria for research on M&T in MTE; 2) searching systematically for this kind of research; 3) evaluating the found studies considering the criteria for inclusion; 4) analyzing/reviewing the studies.

The question of terminology is highly important as there exist several alternatives to ‘technology’ and ‘media’ – e.g. ‘the expanded text’, ‘digital media’, ‘multimodal media’ etc. Thus, M&T within MTE can be seen as didactic border objects. Analyzing the Danish studies, we find a clear predominance of interventionist approaches that try to push forward the use of new, typically digital M&T. Overall, the studies suggest that such interventions are interpreted in both integrating and disintegrating ways by participating teachers and students.

No systematic reviews of research on M&T in MTE have been made transnationally. Furthermore, no systematic and valid review methodology for making such reviews has been developed. We invite any suggestions and references that could further stimulate the development of a review methodology.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIAIMTE 2013 Abstract Book
Number of pages1
Publication date2013
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventIAIMTE International Conference - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 11 Jun 201313 Jun 2013
Conference number: 9th


ConferenceIAIMTE International Conference

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