Development of a Mobile EEG-based Biometric Authentication System

Juris Klonovs, Christoffer Kjeldgaard Petersen, Henning Olesen, Allan Dyhr Hammershøj

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In recent years the need for greater security for storing personal and business data or accessing corporate networks on mobile devices is growing rapidly, and one of the potential solutions is to employ the innovative biometric authentication techniques. This paper presents the development
of a mobile biometric authentication system based on electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings in combination with already proven technologies such as facial detection and near-field communication (NFC). The overall goal of this work is to fill the gap between mobile web technologies and wireless EEG devices and to develop a new authentication technique and a feasible application. Therefore, we review the relevant literature, conduct several EEG measurement experiments and discuss their procedure and results with experts in the EEG and digital signal processing (DSP) fields. Based on these results we build and present a mobile prototype system capable of authenticating users based on the uniqueness of their brainwaves. Furthermore, we implement a novel authentication process, which leads the authentication system to be more secure. We also give suggestions for future improvements of the system.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date23 Oct 2012
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 23 Oct 2012
EventWWRF Meeting - Hotel Müggelsee, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 23 Oct 201225 Oct 2012
Conference number: 29


ConferenceWWRF Meeting
LocationHotel Müggelsee


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