Familiar in the unfamiliar – Children's, parents', and healthcare professionals' experiences of procedure-related anesthesia in the pediatric oncological ward

Helle Haslund-Thomsen*, Stinne Just Bauditz, Helle Nygård Kristensen

*Corresponding author for this work

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: To explore children's, parents', and healthcare professionals', experiences of anesthesia related to pediatric oncological treatment performed at the pediatric oncology ward. Design and methods: The study was a qualitative study. 11 children and 12 parents were recruited for individual or dyadic interviews and two focus groups with a total of 12 healthcare professionals were recruited through purposeful and convenience sampling procedures. Results: Thematic analysis generated one main theme, the familiar in the unfamiliar, and two subthemes, the room creates an atmosphere and relational continuity. Conclusions: Changing the physical environment and composition of the team positively influenced the experience of anesthesia in pediatric cancer treatment for both children, parents, and healthcare professionals. Familiarity was important for all involved and familiarity was associated with continuity related to the physical environment, as well as the relational and procedural professional continuity. Parents expressed that they never felt good about anesthesia as there were feelings of leaving your child's life into the hands of others. However, familiarity in trusting relationships with healthcare professionals helped to moderate these aspects. Practice implications: Familiarity should be considered important with continuity in trusting relations and collaborations between nurses and families, as well as between healthcare staff. Pediatric oncology ward is a preferred safe familiar setting for procedure-related anesthesia. Parents and children value individualized flexible nursing care, that takes the child's and parents habits and preferences into account during procedure-related anesthesia in pediatric oncological treatment.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Pediatric Nursing
Pages (from-to)40-46
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2021


  • Continuity
  • Experiences
  • Family centered care and individualized nursing
  • Fundamentals of care
  • Procedure-related anesthesia in pediatric cancer treatment


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