Implementation of ABC Learning Design for curriculum development in an African context

Bente Nørgaard, Henrik Bregnhøj, Ernest Kira

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


This paper reflects an interest and effort in reforming higher education (HE) study programs through ensuring curricula that are highly relevant to Africa's modern economic and social needs, thus equipping graduates with skills and competences for employability and self-employment. The context of the paper is the EU funded Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project EEIS-HEA, which has the overall aim to develop study programs, aligned with local, national and regional needs and to integrate entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability into curricula, that are delivered with the use of E-learning and through a student-centred learning approach, such as, problem based learning. The project is based on cooperation between HEIs in East and West Africa and in the EU. The ABC Learning Design (ABC LD) is a toolkit developed for curriculum revision at course level, but in this case it was modified to study-program level. ABC LD creates a high level of engagement, creative informed dialogue and group reflection on curriculum design among even time-poor academics. Empirically the study is based on observations, reflection journals, survey and interviews with participants from five different ABC LD workshops conducted in five East and West African universities. The aim of this article is to investigate to which degree the ABC LD is applicable in an African context as a tool for instigating a problem-based learning (PBL) approach, e-learning, entrepreneurship & Innovation and Sustainability. The end goal will be new practical knowledge on the applicability of the ABC LD toolkit and recommendations for further development to fit a PBL approach in an African context.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventIRSPBL 2020: Educate for the Future: PBL, Sustainability and Digitalisation - Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 16 Aug 202021 Aug 2020


ConferenceIRSPBL 2020: Educate for the Future: PBL, Sustainability and Digitalisation
LocationAalborg University
Internet address

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