Industrial symbiosis for a low carbon economy: Learnings from the cement industry

Yana Konstantinova Ramsheva

Research output: PhD thesis

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Through studying the cement industry, this dissertation aims to further academic knowledge and public awareness on how industries could reach carbon neutrality. The environmental impact of the construction sector is growing due to rising population and urbanisation. Cement is a widely used building material due to its performance, cost, and availability, but its production process is highly energy intensive and emits vast amounts of greenhouse gases. The sector faces major challenges with meeting the climate target of the European Union (EU) on reaching carbon neutrality by 2050.
Industrial symbiosis is considered central for transitioning industries towards a low carbon economy. Industrial symbiosis is about establishing partnerships for the exchange of diverse waste, by-products and information between industries. Today, industrial symbiosis between cement producers and other industries contributes to the reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Such cross-sector partnerships are widely seen as a prime facilitator for circular economy, which as a development strategy has the potential to decarbonize the industry. Thus, understanding the role of industrial symbiosis in the cement industry may help to unveil knowledge on how to transition towards a low carbon economy, in cement production as well as in other industries.
Building on the five studies, this research presents a diversified understanding of value potentials, assess legal and economic constraints, conceptualizes trust as a prerequisite, and both conceptualizes and exemplifies the need for collaboration across the value chain on a ‘system’ level.
Original languageEnglish
  • Remmen, Arne, Principal supervisor
  • Wæhrens, Brian Vejrum, Co-supervisor
  • Lukman, Rebeka Kovačič, Co-supervisor, External person
Electronic ISBNs978-87-7210-892-6
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

PhD supervisor:
Prof. Arne Remmen, Aalborg University

Assistant PhD supervisors:
Prof. Brian Vejrum Wæhrens, Aalborg University
Associate Prof. Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, University of Maribor


  • industrial symbiosis
  • cement industry
  • collaboration
  • circular economy
  • low carbon economy


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