Joint efforts to harmonize sound insulation descriptors and classification schemes in Europe (COST TU0901)

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    Sound insulation descriptors, regulatory requirements and classification schemes in Europe represent a high degree of diversity. One implication is very little exchange of experience of housing design and construction details for different levels of sound insulation; another is trade barriers for building systems and products. Unfortunately, there is evidence for a development in the "wrong" direction. For example, sound classification schemes for dwellings exist in nine countries. There is no sign on increasing harmonization, rather the contrary, as more countries are preparing proposals with new classes.
    Social surveys in several European countries have shown that occupants of multi-storey housing are considerably annoyed by noise from neighbours' activities. To keep towns and cities attractive, homes in multi-storey housing must be attractive for a variety of people and offer “quietness”. Thus, new housing must meet the needs of the people and offer comfort. Also for existing housing, sound insulation aspects should be taken into account, when renovating housing; otherwise the renovation is not “sustainable”.
    A joint European Action, COST TU0901 "Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects in Sustainable Urban Housing Constructions", has been approved and runs 2009-2013. The main objectives are to prepare proposals for harmonized sound insulation descriptors and for a European sound classification scheme. Other goals are e.g. to establish a catalogue of sound insulation data and an on-line compendium on good workmanship.
    The paper will summarize the background, discuss the present situation in Europe and describe the joint efforts to reduce the diversity in Europe.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of Euroregio 2010, Congress on Sound and Vibration
    Number of pages8
    Publication date2010
    ISBN (Electronic)978-961-269-283-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    EventEAA EUROREGIO 2010 Congress on Sound and Vibration - Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Duration: 15 Sept 201017 Sept 2010


    ConferenceEAA EUROREGIO 2010 Congress on Sound and Vibration

    Bibliographical note

    Invited paper
    Abstract in Acta Acustica united with Acustica, vol. 96, ISSN 1610-1928
    Conference proceedings: CD, ISBN 978-961-269-283-4


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