Low-frequency-noise complaints: an investigation of twenty-one cases

Christian Sejer Pedersen, Henrik Møller, Kerstin Persson-Waye

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review

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From 203 cases of low-frequency complaints a random selection of twenty-one cases were investigated. The main aim of the investigation was to answer the question whether the annoyance is caused by an external physical sound or by a physically non-existing sound, i.e. low-frequency tinnitus. Noise recordings were made in the homes of the complainants, and the complainants were exposed to these in blind test listening experiments. Furthermore, the low-frequency hearing function of the complainants was investigated, and characteristics of the annoying sound was matched. The results showed that some of the complainants are annoyed by a physical sound (20-180 Hz), while others suffer from low-frequency tinnitus (perceived frequency 40-100 Hz). Physical sound at frequencies below 20 Hz (infrasound) is not responsible for the annoyance - or at all audible - in any of the investigated cases, and none of the complainants has extraordinary hearing sensitivity at low frequencies. For comparable cases of low-frequency noise complaints in general, it is anticipated that physical sound is responsible in a substantial part of the cases, while low-frequency tinnitus is responsible in another substantial part of the cases.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Low Frequency 2008 : 13th International Conference on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control
EditorsShinji Yamada
PublisherThe Institute of Noise Control Engineering/Japan
Publication date2008
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventThe 13th International Conference on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control - Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 21 Oct 200823 Oct 2008
Conference number: 13


ConferenceThe 13th International Conference on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control


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